In the news: "ENTREVESTOR: Pavia leads the way in ethical sustainability"

This article appeared in the Chronicle Herald Today! We are thrilled that more people will learn about the work we are doing.

Victoria giving her acceptance speech at EY Entrepreneur of the Year Awards 2017. (Denis Duquette) 

Victoria giving her acceptance speech at EY Entrepreneur of the Year Awards 2017. (Denis Duquette)


"After cementing relationships with suppliers of biodegradable plastics and ethically sourced sugar, the founders of Nova Scotia’s Pavia Gallery Espresso Bar & Café are now celebrating an Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of The Year award.

Victoria Foulger, Pavia CEO and co-founder, was presented with the hospitality and tourism award for the Atlantic region last month.

“Pavia has won many awards but this turns the spotlight on Victoria’s leadership,” said her partner in business and in life, co-founder Christopher Webb.

That leadership includes making decisions that prioritize ethical concerns that..."

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